Oregon Real Estate Market Stats
Portland Metro Residential Highlights
New Listings
New listings (1,764) decreased
31.4% from the 2,571 listed in
February 2022, and decreased
9.0% from the 1,938 listed in
January 2023.
Pending Sales
Pending sales (1,703) decreased 30.5% from the 2,452
offers accepted in February 2022, and decreased 3.8%
from the 1,771 offers accepted in January 2023.
Closed Sales
Closed sales (1,434) decreased 26.0% from the 1,939
closings in February 2022, and increased 31.8% from the
1,088 closings in January 2023.
Inventory and Time on Market
Inventory decreased to 1.9 months in February. Total
market time increased to 71 days.
Year-to-Date Summary
Comparing the first two months of 2023 to the same
period in 2022, new listings (3,727) decreased 24.1%,
pending sales (3,396) decreased 27.3%, and closed sales
(2,537) decreased 33.8%.
Average and Median Sale Prices
Comparing 2023 to 2022 through February, the average
sale price has decreased 5.3% from $584,100 to
$553,300. In the same comparison, the median sale price
has decreased 3.7% from $519,100 to $500,000.